So the animatic has been done I used the final visual however I would like more effects, as the LSD trip comes, if I work with the full length of the music (5.20.) It must be a video clip so the next step is to find the band directly for copyrights. Before I had a false contact with an unoffical page so I was happy just... :D

3D-ben dolgoztam, még a kisképzőből visszamaradt út és kamion kezdeménnyel, amit azóta bütykölgettem éveken át.
I was working in 3D. The first step of the truck and the road is from the secondary school what l was tinkering since that time.

+A bónusz cuccok, amik nem voltak kipakoláson!
+The bonus things what weren't in the presentation.
Először is a rendszámtábla, ami valamiért nem látszik.
The number plate what is black I don't know why...

És egy teszt videó arról, hogyan repülnének ezek a lasztik.
And a video about the flying balls.