I have started the last year at the university. The master graduation is rather based on the five years instead of just the two. So I am try to collect everything knowledge and push it in this film.
My project based on my get entry comic what I draw five years ago, the first thing for mome. Its a very simple Jaw's story, Zothmund the diver catch a shark, as his job or a request but at the and we have a joke.
I would like to record the and as a live-action with a real toys what I will make after the final character design.
Now with my teachers we working on the story but i need time to let trickling out the happenings and what-why things.
I have some digital paintings for the solution of water and bubbles. I would like to show this fall in scene slowly to enjoy the different material as the water give you this special feeling.
And I have some page of storyboard which are only the first idea! I have wanted to make a fried eggs breakfast scene for a long time and a driving scene too like in the Drive movie. His car is a Citroen DS from 1972, it's called shark.
The under water scenes are still in work in progress brainstorming.
The graduation exam is include an essay too which theme is so closer to the film. I am reading a books about child fantasy and psychology, mitology, shark legends and surrealism.
NIFF 2012
I was in Greece at the Naoussa International Film Festival (NIFF) with my girlfirend and Mátyás Lanczinger. The organization was perfect they booked a hotel room with breakfast and meal we lived here for 5 days. The festival itself was small, screenings in two rooms, experimental, fiction (live action shorts) and animation section with a lot of child. Our films (by mome) were succesfull a lot of friendly people said we were professional.
The sea was visited too it wasn't in the neighbour by train one, one and half hour but we swam and had a sunbath, a good greece coffee too.
Perhaps next year we can go again with new films. ;)
***Tamiya Lunch Box***
This is the time to introduce kritshow's new friend
the huge Tamiya Lunch Box from 1987!
This model is an RTR one (ready to run) electric 1/12 dodge monster van. The japanese tamiya rc company made it in 1987 and its still popular nowadays. The exact size: lenght 38. 5 width 29 height 22,5 cm weight 1.56 kg.
The model without lights, I made it from rc car flashing light system. I cut a small plastic cover for the index and the rear lights from a broken real light. He runs something like 35-40 km/h and at the start he can stand up on two wheels which is really awesome!
Now the owner name is Vanessa, i will change to kritshow, on the numberplate too and I am on to make a roof rack to save the body of rollovering. And the original commercial from '80 is this:
the huge Tamiya Lunch Box from 1987!
This model is an RTR one (ready to run) electric 1/12 dodge monster van. The japanese tamiya rc company made it in 1987 and its still popular nowadays. The exact size: lenght 38. 5 width 29 height 22,5 cm weight 1.56 kg.
The model without lights, I made it from rc car flashing light system. I cut a small plastic cover for the index and the rear lights from a broken real light. He runs something like 35-40 km/h and at the start he can stand up on two wheels which is really awesome!
Now the owner name is Vanessa, i will change to kritshow, on the numberplate too and I am on to make a roof rack to save the body of rollovering. And the original commercial from '80 is this:
***** Sicily 2012 *****
I was one month in Sicily at Valerio and Katrin, with Zoli Fritz.
They ask our help for the graduation movie of them. Zoli was the master of Flash and I was the king of anime studio. Kat and Vale have one-one cabala figure what they wanted to use for this movie. Kat has a mushroom-boy, Valerio has a magenta snail. So we wrote a script, we drawn storyboard and animatic, layouts and we animated together. The scenes were separated as used by anime studio or flash and Zoli's friend made a music like a game music, because now they are working on the game and the short film is just a pilot for it. I can show the trailer:
This one month was really great, fantastic place, everyday we had fun and nice travels. We were on a lot of beach, in the north, little village, Savoca where The Godfather was shooted, we climbed to the Etna, everyday eated icecream and granita...OMG!
So if you meet erasmus students be friendly because you would never know what this friendship gives in the future! I made photo sequencies movie, Zoli shooted them, and the music is a famous sicilian singer, Roy Paci.
More info about them at Crabtoon.it
Zoli and me diving a lot we bought a waterproof camera and I edited something funny about him.
I made another experimental short film in this time for
one pretty girl.
Thats not all but thanks ciaooo!
They ask our help for the graduation movie of them. Zoli was the master of Flash and I was the king of anime studio. Kat and Vale have one-one cabala figure what they wanted to use for this movie. Kat has a mushroom-boy, Valerio has a magenta snail. So we wrote a script, we drawn storyboard and animatic, layouts and we animated together. The scenes were separated as used by anime studio or flash and Zoli's friend made a music like a game music, because now they are working on the game and the short film is just a pilot for it. I can show the trailer:
This one month was really great, fantastic place, everyday we had fun and nice travels. We were on a lot of beach, in the north, little village, Savoca where The Godfather was shooted, we climbed to the Etna, everyday eated icecream and granita...OMG!
So if you meet erasmus students be friendly because you would never know what this friendship gives in the future! I made photo sequencies movie, Zoli shooted them, and the music is a famous sicilian singer, Roy Paci.
More info about them at Crabtoon.it
Zoli and me diving a lot we bought a waterproof camera and I edited something funny about him.
I made another experimental short film in this time for
one pretty girl.
Thats not all but thanks ciaooo!
Megkért egy kisképzős lány, hogy készítsek a filmjéhez egy MP38 típusú gépfegyvert.
Először elkezdtem töprengeni, mikből lehet kiindulni, majd keresgéltem a ház körül mindenféle lomot és fűrészeltem, csavaroztam, ragasztottam, festettem...voálá kész lett a fegyver.
A girl from my secondary school asked me to create a MP38 machine gun. It's needed for her movie.
I thought what I should use what kind of material. I was searching around the house for stuffs and I cut, screwed up, glued, painted these things.
Először elkezdtem töprengeni, mikből lehet kiindulni, majd keresgéltem a ház körül mindenféle lomot és fűrészeltem, csavaroztam, ragasztottam, festettem...voálá kész lett a fegyver.
A girl from my secondary school asked me to create a MP38 machine gun. It's needed for her movie.
I thought what I should use what kind of material. I was searching around the house for stuffs and I cut, screwed up, glued, painted these things.
ITFS & 48hr Animation Jam
Idén is részt vettem a stuttgarti filmfesztiválon, a Béka-tangót vetítették a Young Animation kategóriában. Tavaly ugyanitt volt a Mézes-Mázos.
I was in Stuttgart again, the Frog-tango (Béka-tangó) was selected in ITFS, Young Animation category where the Home Sweet Home (Mézes-Mázos) was selected last year too.
Továbbá Juhász Márkkal bekerültünk a 48 hours Animation Jam versenybe, ahol két nap alatt kellett összedobnunk valami animációt a fesztivál kabalafigurájával, Trixivel, aki egy rózsaszín, szivárványmintás póni. Ezt a szépséges lényt odaadták 3D modellben, textúrával, de mi 2D-ben dolgoztunk, mert két nap alatt nem lehet megmozgatni rendesen egy becsontozott lovat.
Félperc-kétperc közötti hosszban kellett gondolkodni, mi a legegyszerűbb megoldásra törekedtünk, így is sokat dolgoztunk. Dramaturgiailag lehetett volna még pofozni, de belefért ez is.
Even I participated with Márk Juhász in a compatition 48 hours Animation Jam. We had two days to do a short animation with a pink, rainbow colored pony which is the mascot figure of the festival. The 3D model of this was given but we worked in 2D. I think it's impossible to do a film in 3D only in two days. The length was half minute to two minutes so we decided to do as simple as possible. The dramaturgy could be better but it was enough.
I was in Stuttgart again, the Frog-tango (Béka-tangó) was selected in ITFS, Young Animation category where the Home Sweet Home (Mézes-Mázos) was selected last year too.
Továbbá Juhász Márkkal bekerültünk a 48 hours Animation Jam versenybe, ahol két nap alatt kellett összedobnunk valami animációt a fesztivál kabalafigurájával, Trixivel, aki egy rózsaszín, szivárványmintás póni. Ezt a szépséges lényt odaadták 3D modellben, textúrával, de mi 2D-ben dolgoztunk, mert két nap alatt nem lehet megmozgatni rendesen egy becsontozott lovat.
Félperc-kétperc közötti hosszban kellett gondolkodni, mi a legegyszerűbb megoldásra törekedtünk, így is sokat dolgoztunk. Dramaturgiailag lehetett volna még pofozni, de belefért ez is.
Even I participated with Márk Juhász in a compatition 48 hours Animation Jam. We had two days to do a short animation with a pink, rainbow colored pony which is the mascot figure of the festival. The 3D model of this was given but we worked in 2D. I think it's impossible to do a film in 3D only in two days. The length was half minute to two minutes so we decided to do as simple as possible. The dramaturgy could be better but it was enough.
*** Left Side Drive -Trailer 1.40 ***
Készítettem egy másfél perces tesztet a filmemhez, ami most Left Side Drive címen utazik, mint a Boards of Canada száma.
A látvány 90%-ban végleges, mert akadt pár apró hiba a renderben: antialising, esős út tükröződés, mélységélesség. A megoldások már megvannak, a film idén nyáron el fog készülni.
This is my first test short animation for the project which called Left Side Drive as the Boards of Canada has this song. The visual is 90% definitive, I had some mistike in render: antialising, road reflection and depth of field. The project is going to be finished in this summer 2012.
This is my first test short animation for the project which called Left Side Drive as the Boards of Canada has this song. The visual is 90% definitive, I had some mistike in render: antialising, road reflection and depth of field. The project is going to be finished in this summer 2012.
RON -Essemble
Elkészült az Essemble-s filmünk, Ron. A hat perc hosszú, Flash animáción sokan dolgoztunk, külsős emberekkel együtt. A feladataim a figuratervezés véglegesítése, layout-ok készítése, ellenőrzése, az animácók rendezése és elfogadása és a folyamatos kapcsolattartás a gyártásvezetőnkkel és kompozitálónkkal. Nem a szívem csücske ez a film, de nem lett olyan rossz, mint hittem.
The film of the Essemble program has done, the title is Ron. It's six minutes long Flash animation we worked in group with external people. My mission were to finalize the character, do layouts and check them, direct and accept the animations aaand be in contact with the production manager and compositor.
This film is not my favorite but it's not as bad as I thought.
The film of the Essemble program has done, the title is Ron. It's six minutes long Flash animation we worked in group with external people. My mission were to finalize the character, do layouts and check them, direct and accept the animations aaand be in contact with the production manager and compositor.
This film is not my favorite but it's not as bad as I thought.
Művész / Art Cinema ID
Itt a már hivatalosan is elfogadott Művész Mozi ID-m, amely egy húsz másodperces saját reklám a moziról, minden filmjük előtt levetítik majd. A Budapest Film megrendelése volt a MOME felé, hogy négy artmozijának, a Toldi, Puskin, Művész és a multiplexebb Corvinnak keressünk koncepciókat és azok alapján választottak.
This short animation is an official spot for the Művész / Art Cinema of Budapest Film Zrt. The cinema shows it before every screening as his own commercial. The BP Film came to MOME to ask four concept for art cinemas as Toldi, Puskin, Művész and Corvin and they selected so here is mine.
A látványt az ArtRage Studio nevű programban festettem, külön rétegen a hátteret, a figurát és annak egyes alkatrészeit, mint szem, szembogár, szemhéj, száj, bajusz, kéz...majd Anime Studio-ban mozgattam. A zenét is magam készítettem Garage Band-ben, loop-okból ugyan, de egy kicsit belenyúltam itt ott, hogy kijöjjenek a dolgok.
Az eredeti Művész logót kellett használni, stáblistát vagy bármi kiírást nem, de szerencsére sikerült belecsempésznem egy "k" betűt a végére. ;)
I used the ArtRage Studio for painting the visual design with layers for the background, character and the parts of it as eyes, eyelid, pupils, mouth, mustache, hand...and create movement by Anime Studio. For the music I used loops of Garage Band however I changed them some parts to make it better for the project. I had to use the original logo of Művész Art Cinema without any credits but fortunatelly I could paint a "k" letter at the end. ;)

This short animation is an official spot for the Művész / Art Cinema of Budapest Film Zrt. The cinema shows it before every screening as his own commercial. The BP Film came to MOME to ask four concept for art cinemas as Toldi, Puskin, Művész and Corvin and they selected so here is mine.
A látványt az ArtRage Studio nevű programban festettem, külön rétegen a hátteret, a figurát és annak egyes alkatrészeit, mint szem, szembogár, szemhéj, száj, bajusz, kéz...majd Anime Studio-ban mozgattam. A zenét is magam készítettem Garage Band-ben, loop-okból ugyan, de egy kicsit belenyúltam itt ott, hogy kijöjjenek a dolgok.
Az eredeti Művész logót kellett használni, stáblistát vagy bármi kiírást nem, de szerencsére sikerült belecsempésznem egy "k" betűt a végére. ;)
I used the ArtRage Studio for painting the visual design with layers for the background, character and the parts of it as eyes, eyelid, pupils, mouth, mustache, hand...and create movement by Anime Studio. For the music I used loops of Garage Band however I changed them some parts to make it better for the project. I had to use the original logo of Művész Art Cinema without any credits but fortunatelly I could paint a "k" letter at the end. ;)

Voltam megint a tévében Márkkal, még december 21-én az M1 Kortárs című műsorában. A dalfilmjeinkről (Béka-tangó, Csellengők) kérdeztek, majd engem még megkértek, hogy dumáljak egy animációs pályára lépni kívánó kissráccal.
I was in the Hungarian1 tv channel again with Mark in December 21 in Kortárs (Contemporary). We talked about our short animations (Frog-tango, Csellengők) and I was asked to give some animation suggestions to one young boy.
from 00:15:40
I was in the Hungarian1 tv channel again with Mark in December 21 in Kortárs (Contemporary). We talked about our short animations (Frog-tango, Csellengők) and I was asked to give some animation suggestions to one young boy.
from 00:15:40
Essemble -Lisbon
I was in Lisbon, Portugal where the last essemble module was organized. The weather was 16 °C foggy and sunny too but we didn't go for holiday we had to work on our project. The workshops talked about post production I could watch how the motion capture system (mocap) works which "copies" the real human movement to computer 3D as in the Avatar movie.

***Darth Vader Xmas Gift***
I made a Darth Vader figure for my girlfriend as a Christmas gift because she is a crazy fan of Star Wars. I used a lot of small electric things around my table and my computer, what haven't already worked, like a mouse, usb cables, headset, microchips and the glue gun. These things have an outlook as the Star Wars and it was easy to collect because usually I don't throw them away. I have a same way statue from the past.

I bought two battery a switch and some LED for the lightsaber and for the character.

My girlfriend couldn't say anything she loves it. :)
I bought two battery a switch and some LED for the lightsaber and for the character.
My girlfriend couldn't say anything she loves it. :)
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